The British government Wednesday announced proposals to stop the manufacture, import, and sale of the majority of replica guns available in the UK. The plan is part of the new Violent Crime Reduction Bill , legislation that also seeks to raise the age at which a person can purchase a knife from 16 to 18 [...]


The British government announced Wednesday that it has agreed to extradite Algerian Rachid Ramda , held on a French arrest warrant for the past eight years in connection with a Paris bomb attack in 1995 that took the lives of eight people. UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke agreed to the extradition in April but the [...]


EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner has called Tuesday's acquittal of 10 Libyan police officers charged with torturing six foreign medics – five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor – into confessions in an AIDS tainted blood scandal , "a matter for serious concern." Ferrero-Waldner noted that human rights lawyers had been denied visas to [...]


Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari Wednesday promised to continue fighting corruption in Iraq's new government. He said "administrative corruption" was one of many challenges Iraq must face, and that the government has "rolled up its sleeves and taken measures" to prevent it, including establishing a telephone hotline for reports. Judge Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, the head [...]


A British court Wednesday began a retrial of suspected Afghan warlord Faryadi Sarwar Zardad in what may be the first instance of a country prosecuting an alleged torturer for crimes committed abroad. Zardad is believed to have controlled key road checkpoints in the mid-1990s on the main route from Pakistan to Kabul where the alleged [...]


The US House Appropriations Committee Tuesday continued to press the FBI to adopt recommended reforms in hearings on the the FBI's new budget . On Monday, members of the 9/11 Commission also expressed concern that the Bureau hasn't made enough progress in restructuring and reorganizing since the 9/11 attacks. The battle over reforming the FBI [...]


After rejecting the proposed European Constitution , a poll of French citizens released Wednesday says 61 percent want the constitution renegotiated, while 35 percent say it should not be changed. 74 percent believed France could get "significant and positive" changes to the proposal. The proposed constitution's defeat in France and the Netherlands has European leaders [...]