The House of Assembly and Senate of Swaziland have approved a new constitution . King Mswati III must now approve the document, which fuses centuries-old traditions and Western democratic principles. The constitution is a product of eight years of consultations and includes a detailed bill of rights including the right to life, liberty and equality [...]
A new report released Monday by the US Justice Department Inspector General says the government's terrorism suspect watch list co-ordinated by the new Terrorism Screening Center is missing some names , based on incomplete and inaccurate information , and mischaracterizes the danger posed by nearly 32,000 suspects who are not designated as targets of significant [...]
The Ulamas Council, the conference of Islamic clergy in Afghanistan, passed a resolution on Tuesday demanding an apology from the US for incidents of abuse of the Koran at Guantanamo. While the Newsweek story that initially sparked deadly rioting in that country and outrage elsewhere in the Muslim world was later retracted , the Pentagon [...]
A senior European Union official called for a break in EU expansion Monday, addressing the media days before EU leaders will meet to discuss fallout from rejections of the EU Constitution in France and the Netherlands . EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner stated that people needed time to "digest" the bloc's largest expansion, the [...]
After a businessman he was connected with was convicted of corruption and fraud , South African Deputy President Jacob Zuma was fired Tuesday by President Thabo Mbeki . Zuma had appeared ready to one day become president, and Mbeki cautioned that he should be presumed innocent, but he said that circumstances dictated his release . [...]
Shirin Ebadi , a human-rights lawyer who won the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, spoke out Monday against the introduction of special Islamic tribunals in Canada. A Muslim group in Ontario proposed setting up the tribunals to settle family disputes among members of the Islamic community there. Ebadi complained that traditional Muslim law is open to [...]
The UN East Asia and Pacific Regional Consultation Against Violence began in Bangkok Tuesday with a call for a ban on corporal punishment of children. The conference is part of the UN Secretary General's study on violence against children . Paulo Pinheiro, an independent expert speaking for the study, called the problem "too common, and [...]
The UN war crimes prosecutor for the former Yugoslavia called for the arrest of three men responsible for the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of Bosnian Muslims in an address to the UN Security Council Monday. Carla del Ponte outlined the successes of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia to date, but emphasized the need [...]
California v. Jackson, verdict acquitting Jackson of all charges against him, June 13, 2005. Read the full text of the verdict here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.
The indictment filed against former Defense Department employee Lawrence Franklin for passing classified government information was unsealed Monday. The specific charges allege Franklin conspired to share national defense and other material with unauthorized persons, including two unnamed American Israel Public Affairs Committee employees. Franklin was arrested in May and pleaded not guilty to the charges [...]