German authorities announced Tuesday that they have detained three men who allegedly spent thousands of dollars to fund the Ansar Al-Islam terror network in its terrorist attacks in Iraq. On Tuesday more that 150 German police officers raided two dozen properties in Germany and one in Switzerland in a search for evidence that Ansar was [...]


Despite earlier reports to the contrary, Sudan refused on Wednesday to drop charges against two members of Medecins Sans Frontieres . The two had been arrested and investigated for allegedly "spying, publishing false information, and destabilizing Sudanese society" in connection with an MSF report about hundreds of rapes in Darfur . The UN expected that [...]


US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter opens hearings Wednesday on the legal rights of detainees held by the US at Guantanamo Bay. Part of the agenda for the hearings is to examine the due process rights of the prisoners and the authority held by Congress to make certain they receive the necessary legal representation. [...]


US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld briefing on the military detention center at Guanatanamo Bay and other subjects, June 14, 2005 . Excerpt: Allegations of abuse at Guantanamo, as at any other U.S. military facility, have been thoroughly investigated. Any wrongdoing is — wrongdoers are being held accountable. The U.S. military has instituted numerous reforms [...]