Ali Hassan al-Majid, otherwise known in Western media as "Chemical Ali" , was questioned Thursday by an Iraqi tribunal preparing for the trials of the leaders of Saddam Hussein's regime. The Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST) released the tape publicly on Sunday. It was the third tape related to tribunal questioning released by the IST this [...]
Charges will not be brought against a US Army captain for allegedly ordering his subordinates to kill Iraqi insurgents in retaliation for an attack on a US base, the Army announced Friday. Captain Michael Cunningham was facing possible charges of solicitation of murder and involuntary manslaughter, but following the acquittal of one of Cunningham's subordinates [...]
An announcement allowing limited use of cameras in the UK Court of Appeal is expected shortly, according to an article in the Sunday Times. The decision to televise appellate proceedings comes after a six week pilot program and a government consultation paper on court broadcasting. The appeal of a former city council leader from a [...]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice on Iraq, published by the London Sunday Times on June 19, 2005 . Read a transcript of the memo here. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.
Hundreds of thousands of protesters converged on Madrid Saturday to protest proposed legislation that would recognize same sex marriage. The lower house of the Spanish Parliament approved the measure in April , and the Senate is expected to vote in upcoming weeks. Public response to the measure has been mixed. The Catholic Church and Spain’s [...]
A leaked British Foreign and Commonwealth Office memorandum published by the London Sunday Times indicates that British government ministers were forewarned by senior officials that the 2002 US and UK pre-war air strikes against Iraq were illegal under international law. According to the infamous Downing Street Memo published by the Sunday Times in May, the [...]
The Iranian Judiciary detained a number of people on suspicion of election violations Saturday, a day after Iran's presidential election and six days before the top two candidates face each other in a runoff vote. President Bush has criticized the Iranian presidential elections as undemocratic , joining multiple human rights organizations concerned over the exclusion [...]
The Sudanese leadership in Khartoum signed an accord Saturday with the National Democratic Alliance , a group of 13 opposition parties. The agreement, hailed by Sudanese President Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir as the "backbone of Sudanese unity", offers concessions to northern groups traditionally opposed to al-Bashir's regime. The agreement comes only days after the commencement [...]
Prisoners released from the US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and returned to their home countries should be closely monitored to prevent their torture at the hands of their governments, according to a group of lawyers, activists, and family members speaking Saturday. A statement issued jointly with Amnesty International called on the United States to [...]
Thirteen refugees being held in immigration detention centers in Australia inflicted wounds upon themselves Saturday, protesting recent reforms in Australia's immigration policies that stop short of freeing all "unauthorised arrivals" currently imprisoned in refugee camps. The Australian Immigration Department confirmed that one woman had attempted suicide and a dozen men cut themselves on razor wire [...]