Strengthening Transparency, Governance, Accountability; Panel on the Nonprofit Sector, June 22, 2005 . Excerpt: This report is a vital part of the charitable community's commitment to keeping the public trust. Developed with the input of nonprofit leaders, experts, and volunteers, it offers a comprehensive approach to strengthening accountability. Its recommendations are a carefully integrated package [...]


H.J. Res. 10, Proposing an amendment to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the US, approved by the US House of Representatives on June 22, 2005 . Read the full text of the amendment here. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.


The independent Panel on the Nonprofit Sector released a report Wednesday recommending that Congress require charities to develop stricter policies on the disclosure of financial information by retaining external independent accountants, reveal more details on executive compensation, and complete government information returns. The panel also suggested that Congress request audits of charities reporting annual revenues [...]


Leading Wednesday's states brief, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has upheld the state's slot-machine gambling law . While rejecting some parts of the law, the court found that the process used by the legislature to enact the law was constitutional. Attorneys argued over constitutional provisions that say a bill cannot be amended to change its original [...]


A Pentagon report released Wednesday detailed troubling relgious insensitivity at the US Air Force Academy , but found no overt acts of religious discrimination. The Department of Defense investigated the constitutionality of certain religious practices and reports of religious intolerance at the elite Colorado Springs institution. The report nonetheless calls for more "operational guidance" as [...]