Iranian diplomats revealed plans on Thursday to file a lawsuit against anti-Syrian militia leader Samir Geagea for the kidnapping of four Iranian diplomats from Beirut who were subsequently delivered to Israel by the Christian Lebanese Forces in 1982. Geagea, recently pardoned by the Lebanese Parliament is expected to be released from jail after serving an [...]
Opposition lawmakers said Thursday that they have the support of over 50 Filipino lawmakers for the expected impeachment complaint against current President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo . The impeachment complaint, which is likely to be formally filed Monday, must contain at least 79 votes from the 236-member House in order to proceed to a Senate hearing. [...]
The US Department of the Treasury announced on Thursday that they have frozen the assets of six nephews of Saddam Hussein to help end support for terrorists and insurgents in Iraq. "This action targets the money flows of former regime elements actively supporting attacks against Coalition forces and the Iraqi people," said Stuart Levey , [...]
Leading Thursday's international brief, two of Africa's most prominent Nobel laureates have called for the African Union to impose sanctions against Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for his continued program of mass evictions in Operation Murambatsvina . Nobel laureates Wole Soyinka and Wangari Maathai both condemned Mugabe's actions as a "disgrace" to the continent of Africa, [...]
The UN Human Rights Committee joined Thailand's National Human Rights Commission in opposing new security powers given to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra . A cabinet decree now allows the government to impose curfews, censor news, ban public gatherings, tap phones, and hold suspects without bringing charges. Christine Chanet, chair of the UN Human Rights Committee, [...]
The US Department of Justice launched a national online registry of sex offenders on Wednesday, compiling individual state databases into one location. The registry, which provides photographs and information such as how close offenders are to schools, enables the public to track the locations of thousands of sex offenders across the country over the internet. [...]
Prime Minister Tony Blair gave a statement Thursday at 10 Downing Street after a series of four incidents saying "We have to react calmly and continue with our business. We know why these things are done – they are done to scare people and make them feel worried." Sir Ian Blair , London Metropolitan Police [...]
Lawyers for a man with both British and Iraqi citizenship argued before the London High Court Wednesday that his nine-month detention without charge is a rights violation . Hilal Abdul-Razzaq Ali al-Jedda was detained by US forces and handed over the British troops in October on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist group that smuggles [...]
The Oregon House of Representatives voted 55-4 on Wednesday to require a prescription for cold medications that contain pseudoephdrine, a nasal decongestant that is used by drug dealers to make meth. The measure is expected to pass the Senate and is supported by Gov. Ted Kulongoski . Although Oregon joins other states in limiting quantities, [...]
The US House of Representatives will debate its version of a bill Thursday to extend the Patriot Act , which after months of debate has seen 20 amendments adopted and 47 proposed . The final version of the bill to be voted on does not, however, contain proposed amendments that would end the government's investigative [...]