The Pentagon announced Friday that four detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay are to be released after Combatant Status Review Tribunal determination that they no longer pose a threat. No details about the detainees were provided. The quasi-judicial tribunal, set by the US Defense Department to address concerns over indefinite detentions , reviews inmate files [...]
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced Friday at the G8 summit that his country will begin withdrawing 300 of its 3,000 troops from Iraq as early as September, depending on security conditions. The announcement comes amid concerns of increased tension between the US and Italy following the accidental March killing of an Italian agent by [...]
Ministers are expected to rush into law new measures to arrest and detain terrorism suspects in the UK after Thursday's bombings in London , according to British press reports Friday. A draft counter-terrorism bill designed to create new offenses related to planning terrorist attacks and a controversial ID card bill already before Parliament now seem [...]
Despite earlier indications that it would be approved , observers now aren't sure which way Luxembourg will vote on the EU Constitution in this Sunday's national referendum . Other countries have postponed similar votes and the ratification deadline was extended to at least 2007 after the pact failed in France and the Netherlands, but Luxembourg [...]
Indian opposition leader Lal Krishna Advani criticized the Indian government Friday for repealing the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) , saying that such legislation was necessary to prevent incidents like a Tuesday attack on a religious site in northern India that is disputed between Hindus and Muslims . In a move that was welcomed by [...]
Despite a Supreme Court of Canada order that Rwandan Leon Mugesera should be deported amidst accusations of inciting genocide in his home country, Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said Friday that Mugesera will not be extradited unless Canada receives binding promises that he would not face the death penalty if convicted. Rwanda had indicated willingness [...]
Following up on previous Pentagon denials of abuse , US Army Surgeon General Lieutenant General Kevin C. Kiley, M.D. Thursday presented a "comprehensive assessment" of actions and procedures by medical personnel at Guantanamo and in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling reporters at a Pentagon news briefing : …the majority of medical personnel interviewed did not observe [...]
Eighty-nine member nations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) voted Friday to adopt recommended changes to toughen standards of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material at a special conference in Vienna. The treaty governs the transport, domestic storage and peaceful use of nuclear material; the new rules will go into effect [...]
Sven Jaschan, a 19-year-old German, was given a 21-month suspended sentence Friday after being convicted by a German court of computer sabotage and illegally altering data for authoring the Sasser computer worm . Jaschan escaped jail time because he was only 17 when he wrote the worm. Earlier, he had admitted in court to creating [...]
US District Judge William Stafford rejected an injunction against Florida's new parental consent abortion law Thursday. According to the judge, opponents of the state's Parental Notice of Abortion Act , which took effect June 30, failed to show they had a good chance of winning a constitutional case against the legislation. Pro-choice advocates filed the [...]