Torture and Secret Detention: Testimony of the "Disappeared" in the "War on Terror," Amnesty International, August 3, 2005 . Excerpt: On 20 June 2005, Amnesty International delegates visited two Yemeni detainees said to have recently been transferred from the US detention facility at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. However, their accounts described another US detention regime [...]


Doe and Rabago v. Kamehameha Schools, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, August 2, 2005 . Excerpt: e agree with Doe and find that the Schools' admissions policy, which operates in practice as an absolute bar to admission for those of the non-preferred race, constitutes unlawful race discrimination in violation of § [...]


Amnesty International said in a report Wednesday that two men currently held in a Yemeni prison seem to have been kept in clandestine US detention facilities in solitary confinement for almost two years. The group claims that details of interviews with Salah Nasser Salim 'Ali and Muhammad Faraj Ahmed Bashmilah indicated they were victims of [...]


Leading Wednesday's states brief, North Carolina lawmakers and law enforcement officers today urged the state's General Assembly to pass legislation unveiled seven months ago to combat gang member violence in the state. The bill would create additional felonies and stiffer penalties for gang members, and seek $20 million for gang prevention initiatives and $150,000 for [...]


With new anti-terrorism measures being introduced across Europe in the wake of the London bombings, Sweden's Justice Minister Thomas Bodstrom has said he plans to introduce a bill that would strengthen the military's role in the event of an attack, and give authorities the preventative power to listen in on conversations. His comments were reported [...]