The Washington Post reported Wednesday that a far wider range of White House officials than originally known have been interviewed by prosecutors investigating the Valerie Plame leak. The probe has questioned former CIA director George J. Tenet and deputy director John E. McLaughlin, and former CIA spokesman Bill Harlow. Part of the investigation has also [...]
The UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on Wednesday sent 10 cases for suspects in the country's 1994 genocide to Rwandan national courts, citing a need to meet its deadline of completing all trials by 2008. Cases have been transferred before with the same concerns in mind. The ICTR is conducting 25 trials at the [...]
The UN High Commission for Refugees began airlifting Uzbek refugees from Kyrgyzstan Wednesday amidst concerns for their safety there . As many as 455 refugees will eventually be relocated . The refugees fled a violent uprising in May 2005 in the city of Andijan, and the Uzbek government has demanded their return. The UNHCR is [...]
Last week's subway shooting death of a Brazilian man erroneously believed to be a suicide bomber has sparked a debate in Britain over anti-terrorism tactics and racial profiling. Under the Terrorism Act of 2000 , British police have wide latitude to question, search and detain those suspected of terrorist activities, but UK government studies show [...]
On a surprise visit to Iraq Wednesday, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told reporters, "Now's the time to get on with it," regarding the impending August 15 deadline for submitting a new Iraq constitution for an October vote. Rumsfeld also warned that delays in the constitutional process would be "very harmful to the momentum [...]
Approximately 600 suspected Islamic militants have been arrested in a week-long, nationwide effort by Pakistani security forces. Pakistan officials say that those arrested include 295 people belonging to banned militant groups and 300 others including clerics, prayer leaders, and those believed to have incited anti-Western and sectarian hatred through sermons and literature. Those arrested under [...]
Select provisions of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 are scheduled to expire in 2007, and activists disagree on whether or not they should be made permanent. The most debated provision is one that requires certain states, mostly southern, to seek approval from Washington to make specific election changes. A group led by the [...]
Republican members of the Senate Judiciary committee and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) have urged committee chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) to begin confirmation hearings on US Supreme Court nominee John Roberts during Congress' August recess, rather than after September 5 when the body reconvenes. The group has voiced concerns about whether Roberts would be [...]
Gregory Casey, a former executive for Qwest Communications , has reached an agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to pay $2.1 million to settle civil charges . Casey was one of seven former Qwest executives, including ex-CEO Joseph Nacchio, charged in a civil lawsuit alleging accounting schemes that later forced the company to erase [...]
The US is set to announce a new global warming pact with China, India, Australia, and South Korea on Thursday, diplomats in Vientiane said Wednesday. US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick , who is currently attending the ASEAN regional forum in Laos, will hold a press conference announcing new strategies for developing energy technologies [...]