Argentinian police announced on Monday the arrest of Milan Lukic, a former Bosnian Serb paramilitary commander who in July was convicted in absentia by a Serbian war crimes court and sentenced to 20 years for his role in the 1993 abduction and killing of 20 Bosnian Muslims. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [...]
A new Florida policy that took effect on June 1 bans sex offenders from public hurricane shelters if they are under state supervision and not permitted near children. Instead, they must report to a prison, where they are kept under supervision by authorities though not incarcerated. Six offenders reported to a prison during Hurricane Dennis [...]
According to US military leaders, the Pentagon has established new contingency plans for domestic military deployment in the event of a terrorist attack, but the procedures may challenge traditional doctrines constraining military roles in national law enforcement. The plans envisage US military forces under the aegis of the new US Northern Command engaging in a [...]
An civil liberties oversight panel created by Congress last year in response to a recommendation by the 9/11 Commission has yet to meet almost eight months after its inception. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board was created as part of an intelligence reform law passed in December 2004 . But after a six-month delay, [...]
A new report released Monday by a UN panel accused Benon Sevan , the former head of the UN Oil-for-Food Program , of taking almost $150,000 in bribes. The Third Interim Report by the Independent Inquiry Committee also urged UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to lift Sevan's UN-granted immunity for the "purposes of a criminal [...]
President George W. Bush Monday signed into law a massive energy bill while in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 1,725-page legislation , finalized after weeks of compromise between the US House and Senate , provides $14.5 billion in energy tax breaks, mostly to companies who deal in traditional sources of energy. It also provides funds for [...]
The family of Saddam Hussein said in a statement Monday that they have granted Khalil Dulaimi, an Iraqi lawyer already serving on his defense team, the exclusive right to represent the deposed Iraqi president, dissolving his earlier Jordan-based legal team. Dulaimi previously demanded that the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST) punish a man for an alleged [...]
Muktar Said Ibrahim, Ramzi Mohammed and Yassin Hassan Omar, three of the primary suspects in the failed July 21 London bombings appeared in court on Monday after being charged with attempted murder, conspiracy to murder and possessing or making explosives. Each suspect faces a maximum of life in prison for each charge. They were ordered [...]
An extradition treaty between Pakistan and Britain is in the "final stages", according to a spokesman for the Pakistani government. The official declined to elaborate on how many wanted persons may be traded between the two countries after the treaty is finalized. No such formal agreement between the two countries presently exists, but previous informal [...]
Japan's House of Concilors , the upper house of the Japanese parliament, voted 125-108 Monday to defeat a plan by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to privatize the nation's postal service , Thirty members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party either voted against or failed to vote on the plan. Koizumi, keeping to an earlier promise, [...]