Senior Teheran Prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi said Monday it was a lie that jailed Iranian journalist Akbar Ganji , who supporters claim has not eaten for 67 days, was on hunger strike. The situation involving Ganji has provoked comments of concern from the White House, European Union and human rights groups. They have called on Iran [...]
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Monday ordered an investigation into the operations of the multi-billion dollar procurement division of the United Nations. Annan said UN Controller Warren Sachs would oversee the division while an independent commission probes earlier charges and the charges stemming from the latest report provided by the panel investigating the Oil-for-Food scandal . [...]
JURIST is looking for talented, public-service oriented law students from law schools in the US and abroad to join our team of real-time legal news editors this fall. From Los Angeles to London, from Chicago to Cairo – if you're a law student looking for intensive research, writing and editing experience and your own byline [...]
Indonesia and Muslim Aceh rebels on Monday signed a historic peace accord to end decades of fighting that killed thousands of people. Along with cessation of all hostilities, the separatists have dropped their long-held demands for independence and agreed to put down their arms and demobilize their troops. The pact also gives amnesty to members [...]
Palestinian Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Sufian Abu Zaydeh said Monday that the Palestinian Authority is demanding that the Israeli government release some 650 prisoners arrested during the Israeli settlement process of the Gaza Strip . Palestinian officials have hailed the withdrawal as a truly meaningful step in peace between the two peoples, but have warned [...]
AP is reporting that a Shiite member of Iraq's constitutional committee is saying that an agreement, on all but two issues, will be referred to Iraq's National Assembly. As of Monday morning, the committee charged with drafting the Iraqi constitution had reached agreement on most of the contested issues, but had not yet resolved questions [...]
A three judge panel of Israel's High Court Sunday rejected a petition to prevent Israeli Defense Forces personnel from being employed to seal off areas of the Gaza Strip after the current Israeli settlers there have been removed in accordance with the Israeli withdrawal plan. The panel, led by Israeli Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, [...]
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has appointed Ali Larijani as Secretary of Supreme National Security Council, a position that carries the responsibility of negotiating with European nations concerning Iran's continued insistence on refining uranium . Larijani, former head of the state radio and television networks, will meet with representatives from Europe following Ahmadinejad's call for open [...]
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer announced Monday that Reliant Energy and California, Oregon, Washington and three other utility companies, have reached a financial settlement for legal claims against Reliant concerning its alleged price-gouging and manipulation of energy costs during the 2000 and 2001 California energy crisis . California will recover $453 million, and Reliant will [...]
Ahmed Salman Dawd al-Zubaidi, Ahmed Muthanna Jassem Ahmed Al-Aani, and Mohammed Mahdi Abderrahman Aasi al-Kanani, all Iraqi intelligence agents under the Saddam Hussein regime, entered pleas of not guilty Monday as they were arraigned before a Yemeni court for allegedly plotting to destroy the US and British embassies in Yemen . Ali Rashed al-Saadi, a [...]