The US Senate Monday afternoon will take up the confirmation of Chief Justice nominee Judge John Roberts , with two-thirds of the 100 senators having already announced their support. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to recommend Roberts for nomination last week by a margin of 13-5, and Roberts is expected to reach the necessary majority [...]


Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks , arrested in Afghanistan following the September 11th attacks and facing imminent trial by military commission, is seeking dual citizenship in the UK with the hope that the British government will secure his release from Guantanamo Bay. Unlike Hicks' native Australia, Britain has negotiated the release of all its [...]


Mohamed ElBaradei received unanimous approval Monday to continue as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for his third four-year term, after the US ended its opposition to his tenure. ElBaradei's reappointment had been postponed earlier this year in the face of US criticism over ElBaradei's handling of the agency's negotiations with Iran and [...]


In a goodwill gesture that was requested by the Iraqi government for Muslim holy month Ramadan , the US military Monday freed 500 detainees from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and the military has said that an additional 500 detainees will be freed later this week. The released detainees are those deemed to not have committed [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Marsha N. Cohen, Professor of Law at the University of California Hastings College of Law, says governments have a responsibility to protect individuals' freedom by requiring health care businesses to fully meet health care needs, even over the objection of individual pharmacists… In the battle about pharmacists who demand to “follow their [...]