Canadian holding company Ravelston Corp. will plead not guilty to US fraud charges alleging the company participated in a scheme to swindle more than $32 million from US-based Hollinger International . Ravelston, the holding company of former Hollinger CEO Conrad Black , and other former Hollinger executives were indicted last month on federal fraud charges [...]


The Japanese government Thursday proposed providing relief for asbestos victims in a plan that will have companies involved in asbestos-related activities picking up most of the cost. The bill mandates compensation for workers handling asbestos , their families and residents near businesses who have suffered from asbestos-induced diseases but are not covered by the workers' [...]


Algerians voted Thursday in a referendum that seeks to bring peace to Algeria after a 13-year-long civil war. Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika says the Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation seeks to close the wounds of the battle between Islamic militants and government forces that left over 100,000 people dead and resulted in thousands of [...]