Criminal Victimization, 2004, US Department of Justice , released September 25, 2005 . Excerpt: Taken together, the 1-year (2003-04) and 2-year (2001-02 to 2003-04) change estimates indicate that crime rates remain stabilized at the lowest levels experienced since 1973. Read the full text of the report here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.


Egyptian judges Monday ordered opposition leader and recent presidential candidate Ayman Nour to appear in court again Tuesday to answer charges connected to the submission of forged signatures when his party applied for official recognition last year. Nour's wife and spokesperson, Gameela Ismail, suggested that the timing of the trial session deliberately coincided with the [...]


In Monday's environmental law news, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has announced a proposed settlement with Colonna's Shipyard Inc. for polluting the Elizabeth River. Colonnas has agreed to pay a $40,000 fine for mistakenly flushing thousands of gallons of wastewater contaminated with tributyltin into the river. Tributyltin is a paint additive used to control [...]


Joseph Serugendo, the former Technical Chief of Rwanda's Radio Télévision Libre des Milles Collines (RTLM) , nicknamed “Radio Machete” for inciting its listeners to commit murder, has been transferred to a United Nations detention facility in Tanzania after being arrested in Gabon last Friday. Serugendo has been charged with five charges including genocide and conspiracy [...]