Palestinian Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Sufian Abu Zaydeh said Monday that the Palestinian Authority is demanding that the Israeli government release some 650 prisoners arrested during the Israeli settlement process of the Gaza Strip . Palestinian officials have hailed the withdrawal as a truly meaningful step in peace between the two peoples, but have warned [...]


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has appointed Ali Larijani as Secretary of Supreme National Security Council, a position that carries the responsibility of negotiating with European nations concerning Iran's continued insistence on refining uranium . Larijani, former head of the state radio and television networks, will meet with representatives from Europe following Ahmadinejad's call for open [...]


California Attorney General Bill Lockyer announced Monday that Reliant Energy and California, Oregon, Washington and three other utility companies, have reached a financial settlement for legal claims against Reliant concerning its alleged price-gouging and manipulation of energy costs during the 2000 and 2001 California energy crisis . California will recover $453 million, and Reliant will [...]


China's UN Ambassador, Wang Guangya , indicated on Sunday that China was opposed to the call for an end-of-the-year deadline for UN reform by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan . Annan originally wanted an agreement reached by the second week of September, just prior to the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly , but differences [...]


US District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein will hear arguments Monday from US Department of Defense lawyers and attorneys from the ACLU concerning whether photos taken by Spc. Joseph M. Darby of Abu Ghraib prison will pose a danger to US military personnel if they are released. The government's brief , backed with a signed affidavit [...]