The Rwandan government wants to send a Catholic priest back to his home of Belgium to face trial on genocide charges and asked its highest court on Tuesday for permission to do so. Catholic missionary Guy Theunis is accused of publishing extremist articles that incited Hutus to kill Tutsis during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda [...]
The Pentagon has said that it is committed to proceeding with a preliminary military commission hearing for Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks despite the US Supreme Court's announcement Monday that it will hear a case challenging the legality of the military commissions. The Pentagon says that it will not voluntarily delay the November 18th [...]
The US Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in IBP Inc. v. Alvarez that meat packing companies must pay their workers for the time it takes to change into and out of protective clothing and other safety equipment, in addition to the time it takes the employees to walk to their work stations. In the unanimous opinion [...]
The Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry announced Tuesday it plans to appeal a court ruling requiring the nation to pay compensation to former Taiwanese leprosy patients who were incarcerated during Japanese colonial rule, between 1916 and 1945. Last month, the Tokyo District Court held that a 2001 law requiring compensation for Japanese leprosy patients should [...]
Americans went to the polls Tuesday to cast ballots in off-year elections. Voters in New Jersey and Virginia are electing new governors , while 39 ballot measures are up for approval in seven states : California, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. Voters in California and Ohio will determine how electoral districts [...]
The US Department of State on Tuesday is releasing its annual list of states considered to be serious violators of religious freedoms, opening the named states to potential sanctions. Officials say countries deemed to be "of particular concern" include China, Eritrea, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Vietnam. Uzbekistan is notably said to [...]
Members of the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly elected five judges to the fifteen member International Court of Justice (ICJ) Monday. The ICJ is the UN's highest court and settles disputes between governments and issues advisory opinions on topics presented by UN bodies. American Thomas Buergenthal , a professor of international law and [...]
France's Interior Ministry announced Tuesday that the government has authorized local officials to use emergency powers to help deal with riots that have broken out across the country over the past 12 days, mostly instigated by disaffected Muslim immigrant youths. The emergency powers, which enable authorities to impose curfews and carry out raids without warrants, [...]
Two senior Wal-Mart executives were aware that cleaning contractors were hiring illegal immigrants, according to an affidavit filed by the US Bureau of Immigration and Custom Enforcement as part of an effort to secure a search warrant for a 2003 raid on Wal-Mart headquarters. The investigation lead to raids on 60 Wal-Mart stores in 21 [...]
AP is reporting that a lawyer for a co-defendant of Saddam Hussein has been assassinated in Baghdad. Last month, Saadoun Sughaiyer al-Janabi, a defense lawyer for one of Hussein's co-defendants, was kidnapped by 10 masked gunmen and later found dead . Hussein's lawyers have since demanded a delay in proceedings or a foreign venue and [...]