An international media watchdog organization has said that internet company Yahoo divulged information to China that led to the conviction of a journalist for leaking state secrets. Reporters Without Borders Tuesday accused the Hong Kong arm of Yahoo with providing "China’s state security authorities with details that helped to identify and convict" journalist Shi Tao. [...]


An Iraqi official has confirmed that the draft Iraqi constitution will be sent to printers Thursday so that almost 5 million copies of the draft can be printed and distributed to citizens in advance of an October 15 referendum. Baha al-Araji, deputy head of Iraq's Constitution Committee , said that the version to be printed [...]


Iraqi-born US resident Numan Adnan Al-Kaby was released from a US prison in Baghdad Tuesday, after attorneys from the ACLU filed a lawsuit calling for his release last week. The US government continued to detain Al-Kaby despite a July US military tribunal determination that he was not involved in the mortar attack that led to [...]


Egyptians voted in the country's first multi-candidate presidential election Wednesday amid demonstrations and allegations of fraud. Longtime Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , who is expected to win easily, has touted the election as signaling a move towards democracy in the country where he previously retained his position by referendum vote. Thus far, citizens have alleged [...]