AP is reporting that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto a bill seeking to legalize same-sex marriage in California , according to a spokeswoman. The announcement follows a statement from the Governor's office late Tuesday on initial passage of AB 849 through the state Assembly in which a spokeswoman said "The people spoke when they passed [...]


Hurricane Katrina survivors already in financial distress face a second hit if they do not qualify under stricter federal bankrupcty qualifications set to take effect Oct. 17. In addition to logistical difficulties of filing for those in areas devastated by the storm, changes made by the Bankrupcty Abuse Prevention & Consumer Protection Act , approved [...]


The US has provided Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad a visa, allowing him to attend the UN World Summit 2005 next week in New York, despite some suspicions that he was part of the 1979 US embassy siege in Iran. A State Department spokesman said the visa had been granted after the US Department of Homeland [...]


Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein reportedly admitted to ordering deadly attacks on Kurds in north Iraq, but he argued the attacks were legal because they were made in retribution, an Iraqi Special Tribunal official said Wednesday. The report appears to challenge the credibility of a sweeping claim made Tuesday by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani in [...]


The Management of the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme, Independent Inquiry Committee, September 7, 2005. Excerpt (from an accompanying press release): "With respect to the Programme as a whole, the Committee's central conclusion is that the United Nations requires stronger executive leadership, thoroughgoing administrative reform, and more reliable controls and auditing." Read the full text of [...]