The US Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday voted unanimously to allow high ranking members within the group to subpoena certain information from companies sued over asbestos claims. Committee leaders Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) and the ranking Democrat on the panel, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) , have been asking for more data from the industry for [...]


A Texas grand jury has indicted a political action committee formed by US House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and a Texas business group on charges relating to campaign contributions for DeLay's 2002 congressional campaign, though DeLay himself was not charged. Texans for a Republican Majority was charged with illegally accepting a $100,000 political contribution, and [...]


The Arbitration Appeals Court of Moscow rejected an appeal Thursday made by Russian oil company Yukos asking the court to freeze 76.79% of the shares of its former production unit Yuganskneftegaz . The appeal was submitted to dispute the sale of Yuganskneftegaz, which was auctioned off by the Russian government last year to satisfy back [...]


Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has issued an executive order to delay all deadlines in court cases and other legal proceedings in the state from the date Hurricane Katrina hit until at least September 25. As reasons for the suspension, Blanco cited closed courthouses and attorney offices, destroyed materials, and evacuated clients. The deadline extension was [...]


Internet giant Yahoo defended itself Thursday against claims that the company aided China in the prosecution and ten-year imprisonment of journalist Shi Tao for divulging state secrets abroad. Yahoo's Hong Kong arm allegedly helped China link to the journalist's e-mail account and computer, where they found evidence that he sent an internal Communist Party message [...]