With Washington reeling from criticism about its response to Hurricane Katrina , lawmakers are again considering relaxation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 , which generally prohibits federal soldiers or National Guard troops under federal control from operating in a law enforcement capacity on US soil. Approximately 19,000 active-duty soldiers and 45,000 National Guard [...]


New Orleans police are preparing to carry out Mayor Ray Nagin's forced removal order Friday as the last voluntary evacuees left the city Thursday. Earlier this week, Nagin authorized the forced removal of anyone not engaged in the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort. The legal basis for Nagin's order comes from §727 of the Louisiana Homeland [...]


The UN has announced Thursday that 63 nations have agreed to sign a new treaty against nuclear terrorism. The International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism requires governments to punish those who illegally posses atomic devices and radioactive material or those who threaten others while in possession of these materials. The treaty [...]


In its latest bi-monthly report on human rights in Iraq the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Thursday detailed widespread and lengthy detentions of suspected Sunni insurgents, systematic use of torture during interrogations at police stations and other Ministry of the Interior premises, and condemned the Iraqi revival of the death penalty. Although the [...]


Lawyers representing stockholders of Walt Disney Co. are appealing a decision that held that Disney board members did not violate their fiduciary duties or waste company resources when they hired and fired former Hollywood agent Michael Ovitz . Disney shareholders had challenged the decision to give Ovitz a $140 million severance just 14 months after [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit Thursday questioned the US administration's approach to detentions at Guantanamo Bay , where almost all detainees have been categorized by Combatant Status Review Tribunals as enemy combatants. During oral arguments, Judge A. Raymond Randolph suggested that the judiciary might have the legal authority to review the [...]