Following a brief recess prompted by a defense team walkout and an emotional outburst from Saddam Hussein, the trial of the former Iraqi dictator and seven co-defendants resumed Monday afternoon with the testimony of Ahmed Hassan Mohammed , an eyewitness to the 1982 Dujail torture and murders for which the defendants are charged. Mohammed took [...]


Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered that possible amendments to a bill regulating non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the country be drafted within the next five days. The NGO proposal, approved by the Duma in November , would greatly increase state control over NGOs by requiring them to register with a state commission and imposing financial [...]


France has signaled opposition to a proposal from British Prime Minister and current EU president Tony Blair to allow cameras into the EU's main decision-making body, the Council of the European Union , during legislative debates. Blair has said that making the decision-making process more transparent would increase support for EU initiatives. France has opposed [...]


In official remarks prior to her departure for Europe Monday, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that the US government's efforts to protect its citizens have been "misunderstood." Noting European officials' concerns about the CIA's use of extraordinary rendition , Rice asserted that the US government has used rendition for decades when traditional extradition [...]


Former ICTY deputy prosecutor Graham Blewitt said Monday that Australia has become a safe haven for war criminals avoiding prosecution . Despite confessing to immigration officials about committing acts of torture, murder and rape, more than 30 suspected war criminals have been granted temporary residency in Australia by the Australian Immigration Department . Included in [...]


Western elections observers and opposition leaders have raised doubts as to the fairness of the reelection of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev , who won 91 percent of the vote Sunday. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe blamed poor ballot counting, intimidation, multiple voting and ballot stuffing for the result, in which 77 percent [...]


Roman Catholic Church officials have announced their opposition to a proposal that would let sexual abuse victims file lawsuits decades after the alleged abuse occurred. Pennsylvania has a strict statute of limitations which has prevented most clergy sexual abuse cases from coming to court, but some lawmakers are following the recommendation of the Philadelphia District [...]