Former South African Deputy President Jacob Zuma was charged with rape Tuesday in Johannesburg Magistrate's Court and was freed on 20,000 rand bail until the case opens on February 13, 2006. A family friend who viewed Zuma as a foster parent reported the alleged rape last month. Zuma has gained popularity due to his anti-apartheid [...]


China on Tuesday denied the findings of UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak who, after a two-week visit to China, criticized the country for the widespread torture and abuse of prisoners. Nowak, a UN envoy acting on behalf of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) , also said his investigation was hindered by [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Ed Richards, Director of the Program in Law, Science, and Public Health at the Louisiana State University Law Center, says that President Bush's bird flu plan raises a number of legal issues even apart from the question of whether it's the right policy response to the threat of a flu pandemic… Over [...]


"Witness A," the first woman to testify in the Saddam Hussein trial , gave her testimony Tuesday behind a curtain and with her voice distorted by computer to protect her identity, despite some technical problems which caused a short delay. Witness A continued to describe how she was forced to strip while in prison custody, [...]


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials in Mississippi knew that their response system had been destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and warned headquarters of riots, according to an eight-page document of e-mails released Monday by the US House Government Reform Committee . The correspondence between former FEMA Mississippi top responder, William Carwile and FEMA regional response [...]


CIA-owned or operated planes made over 210 "ghost flights" through nearly 20 different British airports that may have been used to transport terror detainees being relocated as part of the US practice of extraordinary rendition, according to the UK Guardian newspaper Tuesday. The Guardian notes that there is no evidence showing that any detainees were [...]