The US Department of Defense announced Friday that it has extended an invitation to special representative Anne-Marie Lizin of the 55-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to visit the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba. Pentagon officials said Lizin, who has openly opposed the operation of the facility, would be permitted [...]


The US government urged the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in court papers filed Friday to withdraw its September 9, 2005 opinion which denied the habeas petition of Jose Padilla , the American "dirty bomb" suspect, and allowed the government to hold Padilla indefinitely as an "enemy combatant" without charging him with a crime. [...]


UN Under-Secretary-General Jan Egeland , the UN humanitarian relief coordinator, told the UN Security Council Friday not to weaken a proposed resolution on protecting civilians in war zones, reminding delegations of the 26 million people forced from their homes due to violence in Northern Uganda, Sudan, and the Ivory Coast. The resolution could be the [...]


Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark , currently a defense lawyer for Saddam Hussein , Friday accused witnesses of false testimony, claiming they had read their testimonies from pre-written statements. Only two of the nine witnesses that have testified thus far have stood in open court, while the rest have testified from behind a curtain [...]


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said Friday that it is in “intense dialogue” with US authorities to visit all detainees held by the US in the war on terror. The US State Department confirmed Thursday that the ICRC does not have access to all detainees, although it is allowed to visit everyone [...]


Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced Friday that a soldier arrested in May 2004 in connection with fake photos of Iraqi prisoner abuse published in the UK's Daily Mirror newspaper will not face charges. The crown prosecution service felt that there was insufficient evidence and an unrealistic prospect of convicting Private Stuart Mackenzie for obtaining [...]


Judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on Friday decided that they will not issue subpoenas for UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder ordering them to testify as witnesses in the Slobodan Milosevic trial as the former Yugoslav president had requested. Milosevic wanted the two leaders to [...]