The civil trial of former El Salvadoran military officer and naturalized US citizen Nicolas Carranza commenced in US District Court in Memphis Monday. Carranza was vice president of defense and director of the Salvadoran Treasury police during the nations' turbulent 12-year civil war , and stands accused of violating various domestic and international laws, including [...]


According to a recent survey from ROMIR Monitoring , more than half of Russians think those in positions of power, ranging from the president and parliament to government and the courts, are dishonest and corrupt. Alexander Konovalov, the president of the Institute for Strategic Assessments said the results helped to explain the "colossal level of [...]


Britian's military court service announced Monday that the seven British soldiers facing court-martial over alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners will not stand trial until next year. The charges against the men relate to treatment of Iraqi prisoners being held in Basra between September 13-15, 2003. Among those that will stand trial are Queen's Lancashire Regiment [...]


The US Supreme Court granted certiorari Monday in four cases, including one where the Court will clarify the rights of illegal immigrants upon reentering the United States after having been deported. In Fernandez-Vargas v. Gonzales , the Court will decide whether the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 , which limits opportunities [...]