AP is reporting that Saddam Hussein has claimed in trial proceedings Wednesday in Baghdad that he has been beaten "everywhere on my body" while in detention. Hussein's allegations came during an extended outburst during proceedings Wednesday at the Iraqi Special Tribunal and the chief prosecutor said that if Hussein had been beaten by the US-led [...]
A day after the first democratically elected parliament in 30 years in Afghanistan held its inaugural session , proceedings in the national assembly nearly broke down Tuesday after a delegate called for all of the country's human rights abusers and "criminal warlords" be brought to justice. Malali Joya's comments came during parliament's first working session [...]
The US Senate is expected to vote Wednesday on whether to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) . Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) has added the measure to the 2006 military spending bill , though Democrats have threatened to filibuster the bill because the ANWR provision is unrelated to military spending and [...]
US District Judge James Robertson , one of 11 members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) , has resigned in protest over the National Security Agency's secret domestic surveillance program , according to a report Wednesday in the Washington Post. Robertson submitted his resignation letter to Chief Justice John Roberts late Monday, and though [...]
The Saddam Hussein trial resumed in Baghdad Wednesday, with the former ruler ending his boycott of court proceedings . The Iraqi High Criminal Court (formerly the Iraqi Special Tribunal ) heard testimony from its ninth witness, Ali Mohammed Hussan al-Haydari, who was 14 during the 1982 massacre in Dujail and whose family was tortured. Hussein, [...]
A UK High Court judge ruled Tuesday that Military Families Against the War (MFAW) and the Stop the War Coalition , representing British families of soldiers killed in Iraq, cannot challenge the government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the UK decision to go to war . Last month, the groups petitioned the court [...]
Tammy Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District et al., United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Judge John E. Jones III, December 20, 2005 . Excerpt: Those who disagree with our holding will likely mark it as the product of an activist judge. If so, they will have erred as [...]
CBS News is reporting that a judge in New York has imposed a $1 million-per-day fine against the New York City Transport Workers Union for violating state law by going on strike. Earlier Monday, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority was "seeking to convince a Supreme Court judge to punish [...]
Members of the US House and Senate have abandoned plans to split the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit , dropping the proposal from the budget reconciliation bill. House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner had introduced legislation , which was included in the house version of the deficit-cutting bill, that would have created [...]
Former Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio , who watched the market value of his company decline over $100 billion, has been indicted on 42 counts of insider trading for allegedly selling off more than $100 million in Qwest stock, the US attorney's office in Denver announced Tuesday. The criminal indictment follows the government's four-year-old investigation into [...]