The Palestinian Election Commission (CEC) , an independent commission that supervises elections in the Palestinian Authority , resigned Thursday in protest of the government's decision to allow 60,000 security forces to cast votes in the January 25 parliamentary elections in their barracks instead of in their districts. After receiving the resignation letter, however, Prime Minister [...]


US Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) , the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee , told President Bush in a letter Wednesday that the White House violated the National Security Act when it withheld information pertaining to the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program from full congressional oversight committees. Harman said the National Security Act [...]


Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi defended his annual visits to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine Wednesday, and condemned Chinese and South Korean leaders who refused to meet with him because he commemorates Japanese veterans from World War II. Several of those honored by the shrine were executed for committing war crimes, and Koizumi's visits prompted protests by [...]


A federal judge Wednesday rejected the US government's argument that revealing the names of hundreds of Guantanamo Bay detainees violates their privacy, and remanded the case for further consideration on whether to actually release the names. The lawsuit was filed against the US Department of Defense under the Freedom of Information Act by the Associated [...]