Over 10,000 Iraqis took to the streets of Baghdad Tuesday to protest alleged fraud in the December 15 parliamentary elections in Iraq . Complaints of fraud surfaced almost immediately after the polls closed , with the majority of allegations coming from a group that lead Tuesday's demonstrations, the Maram (in Arabic, "goal") alliance, a coalition [...]


The British government Tuesday filed an anticipated appeal challenging a recent High Court decision that Australian Guantanamo detainee David Hicks is entitled to British citizenship. Hick's lawyers want citizenship for Hicks, whose mother is British, in order to take advantage of the British government's success in urging the US to not put British citizens through [...]


Polish government spokesperson Konrad Ciesiolkiewicz announced Tuesday that an official probe into the alleged existence of secret CIA prisons in the country has ended. Zbigniew Wassermann , the Polish minister in charge of the country's intelligence services, delivered his report to members of a parliamentary commission last week; meeting in a closed door session the [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Austin Sarat, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science at Amherst College, says that California Arnold Schwarzenegger's ruling denying clemency in ths case of Crips gang co-founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams disregarded the constitutional foundations of clemency practice… By denying clemency to Stanley "Tookie" Williams Arnold Schwarzenegger did more than allow [...]


In a move to bolster its democratic credentials, the Council of the European Union , the EU's senior decision-making body, will begin to debate and vote more often in public in the new year. Television cameras will be allowed to capture a broad range of council activities beginning in January with test transmissions; internet webcasting [...]