The Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry announced Tuesday it plans to appeal a court ruling requiring the nation to pay compensation to former Taiwanese leprosy patients who were incarcerated during Japanese colonial rule, between 1916 and 1945. Last month, the Tokyo District Court held that a 2001 law requiring compensation for Japanese leprosy patients should [...]


Members of the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly elected five judges to the fifteen member International Court of Justice (ICJ) Monday. The ICJ is the UN's highest court and settles disputes between governments and issues advisory opinions on topics presented by UN bodies. American Thomas Buergenthal , a professor of international law and [...]


France's Interior Ministry announced Tuesday that the government has authorized local officials to use emergency powers to help deal with riots that have broken out across the country over the past 12 days, mostly instigated by disaffected Muslim immigrant youths. The emergency powers, which enable authorities to impose curfews and carry out raids without warrants, [...]


AP is reporting that a lawyer for a co-defendant of Saddam Hussein has been assassinated in Baghdad. Last month, Saadoun Sughaiyer al-Janabi, a defense lawyer for one of Hussein's co-defendants, was kidnapped by 10 masked gunmen and later found dead . Hussein's lawyers have since demanded a delay in proceedings or a foreign venue and [...]


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Jon Stanhope, Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and recently the sole dissenter among Australian state and territorial leaders against strict new anti-terrorism legislation proposed by Australian Prime Minister John Howard, says the anti-terror bill threatens to erode fundamental rights and liberties and even undermines what it means for [...]