Wire services are reporting that final results of the October 15 Iraqi referendum announced in Baghdad Tuesday show that the draft Iraqi constitution has been approved. 7:49 AM ET – According to officials, two provinces voted "no", but in the closest third province, Nineveh, 44% of voters had endorsed the constitution. Two-thirds of voters in [...]


US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Monday announced the first US extradition of an indicted criminal from Afghanistan. Baz Mohammad, designated a "foreign drug kingpin" under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Act of 2005 on June 1 2005, was described by US DOJ officials as a "Taliban-linked narco-terrorist". According to an unsealed indictment filed in the US [...]


The UN Security Council announced Monday that it would implement UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's recommendations and organize international discussions on whether Kosovo should be independent or remain a province of Serbia. Annan said last week that he was likely to appoint former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari as a special envoy to the UN in charge [...]


European Commission officials are preparing to warn Bulgaria and Romania that the 2007 scheduled entry of both countries into the European Union may be delayed until 2008 if both nations do not promptly act to address corruption and human rights violations, according a draft report obtained by Reuters. The report also calls for increased efforts [...]