American shareholders of Russian oil company Yukos have filed a civil lawsuit against the Russian government and several Russian oil companies for allegedly conspiring to renationalize Yukos without compensating its owners, the Financial News reported Tuesday. The complaint, filed in a Washington, DC district court, claims that the defendants violated US securities laws by falsely [...]


A United Nations human rights investigator declared "massive human rights violations at all levels" in the Democratic Republic of Congo Monday. Titinga Frederic Pacere attacked the nation's justice system, describing the prison system as "deplorable and inhumane" and the justice system as "powerless and lack resources." Pacere's report cites too few judges, an inadequate budget, [...]


The White House has proposed absolving CIA agents working abroad from proposed legislation barring "cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment" of detainees, the Washington Post reported Tuesday. The exemption introduced by Vice President Dick Cheney and CIA Director Porter Goss, would apply to counter-terrorism operations conducted abroad and operations conducted by "an element of [...]


Despite last week's murder of a defense lawyer involved in the proceedings, Baghdad is still a safe place to hold the trial of Saddam Hussein and his seven co-defendants, President Bush said Monday in an interview with Al-Arabiya television. Bush dismissed calls for an international trial and stressed the importance of the trial to Iraqis, [...]


US Vice President Dick Cheney was the first person to discuss Valerie Plame with his Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby , lawyers involved in the leak investigation said Monday according to the New York Times. The revelation seems to be inconsistent with Libby's grand jury testimony that he learned the identity of the [...]


British Member of Parliament George Galloway Tuesday rejected fresh accusations from US congressional investigators that he profited from the now defunct UN Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq. The new report from the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will be handed over to the US Justice Department and to British authorities. A hearing before the investigations [...]