Certification of the final results of the referendum on the draft Iraqi constitution, Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq press briefing, October 25, 2005. Excerpt : Ladies and gentlemen, today the constitutional referendum has completed in Iraq and we announced the final results. And now we are going to approve the results of the general constitutional [...]


Defense lawyers representing Saddam Hussein have announced that they will boycott the Iraqi Special Tribunal , following through on a threat to boycott made after one of the defense lawyers for a Hussein co-defendant was kidnapped and murdered last week. Lead counsel Khalil al-Dulaimi said that Hussein's defense team would boycott until demands for better [...]


A federal judge Tuesday upheld the conviction of civil rights lawyer Lynne Stewart for conspiracy and providing material support to terrorists (18 USC 2339A), denying a post-trial motion for acquittal. Stewart was convicted in February for helping imprisoned Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman communicate with his terrorist followers. Stewart had argued that Abdel-Rahman was engaging in protected [...]


US Senate and House negotiators are preparing to discuss conflicting versions of the USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005 , including a provision in the House version that would allow federal prosecutors multiple attempts at securing the death penalty. Under current law, if a capital jury cannot decide unanimously whether to impose [...]


The United States and France circulated a draft UN resolution Tuesday that demands that Syria fully cooperate with a UN investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and threatens economic sanctions should Damascus not cooperate. The UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC), authorized by the UN Security Council to investigate the [...]


Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald could bring charges in the CIA leak case Wednesday, wrapping up a two-year investigation into the leak of undercover operative Valerie Plame's identity. Sources close to the case say that FBI agents recently interviewed Plame's neighbors who said they had been surprised to learn that Plame worked for the CIA, suggesting [...]