JURIST Special Guest Columnist Kathleen Duignan, Executive Director of the National Institute of Military Justice, says that the ostensibly-light sentence for Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer Jr., the highest-ranking US soldier to face a court-martial for abusing an Iraqi detainee, may actually have been consistent with the military justice system's goals of encouraging clear guidance [...]


A Russian military court has convicted a senior officer in the country's elite missile corps of modern-day slavery and contracting out conscripts under his command for personal gain. Deputy Commander Vladimir Kontonistov has been banned from holding any command for three years and fined 56,000 rubles (approximately $1,987). Prosecutors are appealing the sentence as too [...]


Mayola William et al. v. Philip Morris Incorporated et al., Oregon Supreme Court, February 2, 2006 . Excerpt: In summary, Philip Morris, with others, engaged in a massive, continuous, near-half-century scheme to defraud the plaintiff and many others, even when Philip Morris always had reason to suspect — and for two or more decades absolutely [...]


UN ambassadors from Panama and South Africa Thursday circulated a draft compromise resolution in the UN General Assembly outlining provisions for a UN Human Rights Council to replace the current 53-member Commission on Human Rights . The draft proposes a 45-member body based in Geneva with 12 members from Africa, 13 from Asia, 5 from [...]


Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR); Bureau des Avocats Internationaux, the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti,the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School, and TransAfrica Forum, February 2, 2006 . Excerpt: This petition demonstrates that the IGH, the United States, and the Dominican Republic violated the [...]