The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday held that the state's 1999 school voucher law violates the state constitutional requirement of a uniform system of free public schools. The Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) , which was led by Gov. Jeb Bush and was the country's first statewide school voucher system, allows tax dollars to be spent [...]


A suspected Bosnian Serb war criminal was captured by European Union EUFOR peacekeeping troops on Thursday in a firefight at the suspect's home. Dragomir Abazovic and his 12-year-old son were shot and injured , while his wife died from bullet wounds after being admitted to the hospital. Abazovic was indicted in 1999 by a local [...]


The Palestinian Election Commission (CEC) , an independent commission that supervises elections in the Palestinian Authority , resigned Thursday in protest of the government's decision to allow 60,000 security forces to cast votes in the January 25 parliamentary elections in their barracks instead of in their districts. After receiving the resignation letter, however, Prime Minister [...]


US Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) , the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee , told President Bush in a letter Wednesday that the White House violated the National Security Act when it withheld information pertaining to the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program from full congressional oversight committees. Harman said the National Security Act [...]