Protection Gap: Strenghthening Canada's Compliance With Its International Human Rights Obligations, Amnesty International Canada's Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, October 14, 2005 . Read the full text of the report.Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here. ALSO ON JURIST  Topic: Canada


A lawyer for detainees at the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay currently on hunger strike argued Friday before US District Judge Gladys Kessler that prisoner attorneys needed more frequent access to their clients. Julia Tarver, representing four Saudis detainees, said that the present rule allowing monthly visits was too limiting. She also asked the [...]


US ambassador to the UN John Bolton predicted on Friday that current efforts to dramatically expand the number of seats on the UN Security Council will fail. The 15-member council currently has five permanent members with veto power and ten non-permanent members. The US has stated that it will support limited expansion of the body, [...]


Revisions to the "final" (Sept. 18) version of the Iraqi draft constitution, as agreed by Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni negotiators on October 11, 2005. Articles translated by the Associated Press: NEW: Article 1: The Republic of Iraq is a single, independent federal state with full sovereignty. Its system of government is republican, representative (parliamentary) and [...]


Canada must make "significant improvements" in its efforts to meet international human rights obligations, according to a new Amnesty International Canada report critical of the Canadian government for reserving the right to deport people to countries where they may be tortured. The report will be presented to the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva next [...]