Republican and Democratic sources said Monday that Senate Republicans have proposed the week of November 7th to begin confirmation hearings for beleaguered US Supreme Court candidate Harriet Miers . Though Republicans are seeking a vote by the full Senate prior to Thanksgiving, it was not immediately clear whether Democrats would attempt to push back the [...]


Lawyers representing 10 terror suspects and 13 human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch , appeared before Britain's House of Lords Monday arguing against a 2004 appeals court ruling allowing Special Immigration Appeals Commission tribunals hearing cases involving foreign terror suspects to consider evidence obtained by torture. Such evidence would not be [...]


An FBI report on US crime released Monday found that while murders in the US fell for the first time in five years, 2004 saw an increase in the number of rapes. Overall the number of violent crimes fell by 1.2 percent and property crimes dropped 1.1 percent. The 350 fewer murders in 2004 compared [...]


AP is reporting that the Iraqi electoral commission says it will recheck "unusually high numbers" in constitutional referendum results from certain areas of the country to make sure the poll meets international standards. A Sunni leader Sunday claimed that Sunnis in four provinces had voted against the draft Iraqi constitution, and delivered a letter to [...]


The British government on Monday proposed allowing non-lawyers to partner with lawyers to run combined firms and the creation of an independent body to handle complaints against legal professionals. The proposed reforms to the legal profession in England and Wales were outlined by the Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) in a white paper, The Future [...]


The Former Iraqi Government on Trial, Human Rights Watch, October 17, 2005 . Excerpt: The first trials before the SICT will be a litmus test for whether it is up to the task of delivering justice. The charges against the accused are the most serious recognized by the international community, and the SICT must be [...]