Attorneys representing undocumented immigrants who have been victims of violent crimes filed a federal suit against the US Department of Homeland Security Tuesday for the agency's failure to issue U-visas. The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 , allows the US Citizen and Immigration Services to issue undocumented immigrants substantially harmed by [...]


According to congressional aides, confirmation hearings for US Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee are set to begin on November 7. The aides have said that committee chairman Sen. Arlen Specter plans an announcement later Wednesday. Republicans hope to have a full Senate confirmation vote by November 24. Senators [...]


The United Nations is not taking proper measures to end sexual abuse during peacekeeping missions, according to an independent review report released Tuesday. The report, filed by Refugees International, concludes that a "culture that tolerates sexual exploitation and abuse has evolved in UN peacekeeping missions." The Department of Peacekeeping Operations has been under scrutiny since [...]


Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori on Tuesday was cleared of corruption in a 1994 arms purchase case, a week after he was barred from running in Peru's 2006 presidential election by the country's Constitutional Court . Fujimori has been banned from office until 2010, though he says he intends to return to Peru to run [...]


Two Iraqi Kurds now living in the US, Hassen Ali Abdullah and Khalida Ali, have sued Saddam Hussein in US federal court, seeking compensation for Kurdish victims of genocidal attacks in 1980s Iraq. The class action suit was filed on behalf of all Kurds who lived in northern Iraq from 1987 to 1989 and any [...]