US Senators Friday confirmed their support for an anti-torture amendment sponsored by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and attached to the 2006 defense spending bill by unanimously re-passing the amendment by voice vote after approving it 90-9 last month. President Bush has threatened to veto the defense spending budget if it contains the anti-torture amendment. McCain [...]


A US Senate subcommittee referred British MP George Galloway Thursday evening to the US Department of Justice for potential prosecution because the committee said they found "probable cause" that Galloway lied to Congress regarding his role in the UN oil-for-food scandal. The Senate panel uncovered a payment of $150,000 in Iraqi oil sales to Galloway's [...]


Australian Attorney General Philip Ruddock has spoken out to disagree with assertions that the government's anti-terrorism bill violates human rights. The proposed anti-terrorism legislation , which Australian Prime Minister John Howard claims will be enacted by Christmas , was tabled in Parliament Thursday after Howard won support earlier this week from several state and territory [...]


US Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald announced Thursday that he was narrowing the focus of his investigation into the role of senior White House advisor Karl Rove in the CIA leak case . At issue now is whether Rove tried to conceal his conversation with a TIME magazine reporter a week before the CIA operative [...]