UK Prime Minister Tony Blair urged British members of Parliament Monday "not to compromise with the nation's security" by reducing a proposed legislative 90-day time limit for detaining terror suspects without charge recommended by London's Metropolitan Police. Blair's statement came minutes after Home Secretary Charles Clarke proposed a compromise amendment to the government's Terrorism Bill [...]


International voting observers and opposition leaders on Monday challenged the victory claimed by the ruling party in Sunday's Azerbaijan elections, saying that the elections were rigged. According to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) , the elections did not meet international standards for democratic elections, despite some improvements. OSCE officials said that [...]


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan linked France's ban on the hijab in public schools to the country's recent rioting , in an interview Monday with the Turkish newspaper Milliyet . Erdogan blamed feelings of exclusion for stirring racial tensions and encouraging the violence which has resulted in more than 1,000 arrests, 36 police injuries, [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist David DeWolf says that the Kitzmiller intelligent design case may settle whether the Pennsylvania school district that put "intelligent design" into its curriculum was acting under impermissible religious animus, but it may not settle whether teaching the origins controversy is actually unconstitutional… On Friday, November 4, the trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Richard Edwards, Principal Lecturer in Law at the University of the West of England in Bristol, UK, says that the new Terrorism Bill presented to Parliament by the Blair government in the wake of the London bombings threatens the rule of law but promises little more security… The United Kingdom has sadly [...]