Leading Tuesday's international brief, the Democratic Republic of Congo will hold the chairmanship of the African Union (AU) for 2006 under an agreement reached by a five-nation panel assigned to develop a compromise to the tense standoff concerning the proposed Sudanese bid to chair the African regional organization. Under the compromise, Congo will hold the [...]


A Council of Europe report released Tuesday argues that not only did alleged secret prisons run by the CIA in Europe exist, but that many European governments knew of the prisons and 'turned a blind eye'. Dick Marty, a Swiss legislator, prepared the report at the request of the Council of Europe ; he flagged [...]


The US Army has issued new regulations governing the military death penalty . What the Army is calling a "major revision", however, raises questions whether the military is considering its first execution since 1961, when Army Pvt. John Bennett was put to death after being convicted of rape and attempted murder. Currently, there are six [...]


A federal judge Monday overturned as unconstitutional a Louisiana law that would have moved the state's congressional primary from November to October. Louisiana passed the legislation under the impetus of its "open primary" system that allows all candidates to run together, regardless of party affiliation. If no candidate won over 50%, a run-off primary election [...]