A Chilean appeals court ruled Wednesday that former dictator Augusto Pinochet is healthy enough to stand trial for alleged human rights abuses stemming from the 1975 Operation Colombo massacre. The ruling, one of several concerning whether Pinochet will stand trial for abuses committed during his regime, clears the way for prosecutors to bring Pinochet to [...]


Three human rights groups Wednesday criticized the global aid campaign created to assist those affected by the 2004 tsunami disaster , saying it has "trampled" on the human rights of many survivors. The Habitat International Coalition, the People's Movement for Human Rights Learning, and ActionAid International said the relief effort has been successful in some [...]


Three Massachusetts women on Wednesday filed suit against Wal-Mart , alleging that the retail chain is in violation of the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act because their pharmacies do not stock emergency contraception. The law states that all pharmacies in the state must provide all "commonly prescribed" medications. Last year, the Massachusetts legislature passed a law [...]


France's Constitutional Council , the country's highest court, has struck down a clause in a 2005 French law that requires teachers to stress the positive aspects of French colonialism. The court reasoned it was "outside the competence of the legislature" to make such a determination. Earlier this year, French President Jacques Chirac said the law [...]


During testimony before the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Tuesday, Richard Sticker, George Bush's nominee to head the Mine Safety and Health Agency , told senators that current mine safety laws were adequate, and that problems arise because of insufficient enforcement. President Bush first announced Stickler's nomination to the post [...]