The Utah House of Representatives Monday voted down a much-watched bill that would have challenged the teaching of evolution in high school science classes in the conservative state. The so-called "Origin of Life" bill as initially presented would have required teachers to issue a disclaimer to students saying that not all scientists agree on the [...]


The trial of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein resumed in Baghdad Tuesday with prosecutors at the Iraqi High Criminal Court – formerly the Iraqi Special Tribunal – continuing to present their case on charges of murder, torture, forced expulsions and illegal imprisonment stemming from a crackdown on villagers in Dujail following a 1982 assassination attempt [...]


The US government has agreed to a $300,000 settlement of claims by an Egyptian that he was abused while being detained by US authorities for months following the Sept. 11 terror attacks. The settlement reached with Ehab Elmaghraby is the first reached by the federal government over claims arising from the rounding up of hundreds [...]


Leading Tuesday's international brief, the Supreme Court of India has issued a ruling that bans all media entities from publishing or revealing any transcripts or recordings they may have of conversations that were taped illegally. The ruling comes as Amar Singh, a high political party official in India, has been fighting the release by radio [...]


The New York Times sued the US Department of Defense Monday over the government's failure to release requested documents regarding the National Security Agency (NSA) domestic surveillance program . The Times broke the story last December, reporting that the government has secretly eavesdropped on domestic phone conversations without court approval , and requested internal e-mails, [...]