Thousands of Lebanese Muslims angered at caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September and last week were reprinted in other European newspapers protested outside the Danish embassy in Beirut on Sunday and a small group set fire to the building . In a scene reminiscent of Saturday's protests [...]
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki confirmed Sunday that Iran had ceased cooperating with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , allowing the country to resume uranium enrichment without being subject to IAEA inspections. The move, ordered Saturday by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by voluntarily suspending Iran's adherence to the 1997 Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [...]
Implementation of the NPT Safeguards: Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, International Atomic Energy Agency, February 4, 2006 . Excerpt: 2. Requests the Director General to report to the Security Council of the United Nations that these steps are required of Iran by the Board and to report to the Security Council all IAEA [...]
Residents of Weare, New Hampshire , the town where Justice David Souter of the US Supreme Court owns a farmhouse, rejected a proposal to evict Souter in a town meeting Saturday, and instead substituted a call for the state legislature to strengthen state law on eminent domain . The proposal asked whether the town should [...]
Muslim Syrians set fire to both the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Damascus Saturday, protesting the European publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad and caricaturing him as a terrorist. Protestors first stormed the Danish embassy chanting "God is great," then moved on to the Norwegian embassy. Police fired tear gas into the crowd at [...]
Coretta Scott King, widow of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. and herself a respected civil rights leader, was honored Saturday at the Georgia Capitol . Capitol police estimate that as many as 10,000 people passed through the Capitol to pay their respects as she lay in state, waiting in line for over two hours. [...]
Canadian Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin said Friday in response to suggestions that the Canadian Parliament should be given a more active role in the high court appointment process that it should remain the same. McLachlin said in an Ottawa speech that allowing Parliament greater influence over senior court appointments could reduce Canadians’ confidence that judicial [...]
Anthony D'Amato : "Today, February 4, 2006, Senator John McCain speaking in Munich said that military action against Iran must remain an option if it did not bow to international demands to halt its nuclear activities. This is a major foreign policy statement, but why a person not in the Executive Branch was chosen to [...]
United Nations delegates working to draft the first-ever treaty to protect the rights of disabled individuals worldwide have nearly completed their task and resolved many issues of concern after a three-week drafting session , according to drafting committee chairman Don MacKay of New Zealand. McKay said the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the [...]
A Russian court has convicted Stanislav M. Dmitriyevsky , director of the US-supported Russian-Chechen Friendship Society , of inciting religious and ethnic hatred by publishing editorial commentaries by two Chechen separatist leaders in 2004. The court handed down a two year suspended sentence for the crime Thursday rather than sending Dmitriyevsky to prison for four [...]