Some 30,000 Israelis protested in Jerusalem Sunday against the recent demolition of illegally built homes on the West Bank, a move which they fear heralds the beginning of a new wave of government-ordered Jewish settlement evacuations under the administration of Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert . The destruction of nine settler buildings at Amona last [...]


Khalil Dulaimi , chief defense lawyer for deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein , said Sunday he had been notified by "the Americans" that defense lawyers for Hussein and his co-defendants would not be allowed access to their clients. This is the first time that lawyers have been denied access to Saddam since he was granted [...]


Current and former intelligence officials and private sector sources, speaking anonymously, have said that the National Security Agency warrantless surveillance program monitoring communication coming from outside the US to US residents has yielded few actionable results, according to a Sunday report in the Washington Post. Fewer than 10 US citizens or residents a year, according [...]


Thousands of Lebanese Muslims angered at caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September and last week were reprinted in other European newspapers protested outside the Danish embassy in Beirut on Sunday and a small group set fire to the building . In a scene reminiscent of Saturday's protests [...]