US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Thursday that the administration is not conducting any additional warrantless domestic surveillance beyond what President Bush acknowledged in December. Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) disclosed the information in an interview with the Washington Post, saying that Gonzales responded to a fax she sent him regarding Gonzales’ February 28 letter to [...]


Chinese police have detained protesters in preparation for the annual ceremonial start of session of the National People's Congress in Beijing and forced them to return to their homes, human rights groups said Friday. Protesters traveled from across the country to air grievances ranging from insufficient health care and redevelopment seizure to strict birth control [...]


Mohammed al-Qahtani, the so-called "20th hijacker" from the Sept. 11 attacks, has disclaimed information he provided about 30 Guantanamo Bay detainees, alleging that the statements were coerced by torture, TIME magazine reported Friday. Qahtani was refused entry into the US in August 2001 and was later captured in Afghanistan; he has since been held at [...]


The Iraqi government placed Baghdad under a daytime vehicular curfew on Friday in an attempt to quell the sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites that has wracked the country since the bombing of the Askariya shrine on February 22. Similar to the three-day curfew that was lifted on Monday , the traffic ban prohibits Iraqis [...]