Crips gang co-founder and convicted murderer Stanley Tookie Williams died at 12:35 AM Tuesday morning after being executed by lethal injection at California's San Quentin State Prison. The execution occurred a day after California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to grant Williams clemency , finding that Williams had shown no remorse for the killings for which [...]


Leading Tuesday's international brief, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak admitted for the first time Tuesday that the recent month-long process of national voting for parliament seats and the Presidential office was flawed and should serve as a lesson to all of Egypt on what needs to be improved for the next national election. Mubarak denied that [...]


Retired chief justice for England and Wales Lord Woolf has criticized large-scale litigation by companies that often spend in excess of 100 million pounds on lawyers' fees. Woolf, a longtime proponent of mediation and alternative dispute resolution while on the bench, told the Financial Times that he viewed cases that cost millions of pounds and [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Chandra Lekha Sriram, Chair of Human Rights at the University of East London School of Law (UK) currently visiting at the University of Maryland School of Law, says that tensions between Europe and the US over American rendition policy and practice reveal a disturbing cultural chasm over the perceived significance of human [...]


The Afghan government has adopted a plan to investigate war crimes and human rights violations committed from 1978 until the end of the Taliban rule. The Action Plan for Peace, Reconciliation and Justice in Afghanistan comes after months of pressure from international human rights groups . Members of the new parliament are among those accused. [...]