Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko recommended to the Ukrainian Parliament that a committee be formed to draft a new constitution during his state of the union address on Thursday. Yushchenko has been in conflict with parliament after rejecting their vote to dissolve his government last month, and has criticized constitutional changes that have limited his authority [...]


Racially-motivated riots again erupted at a Los Angeles County jail on Wednesday, leaving 22 inmates injured. The fighting at Pitchess Detention Center began when inmates at a group dorm were separated along racial lines. The violence was quickly brought under control, but then fights spread to other dorms. All seven Los Angeles County jails were [...]


The number of detainees still on hunger strike at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay has dropped to four, military officials said Wednesday. The head military spokesman at Guantanamo also said that prison officials have been using tougher force-feeding measures, including strapping prisoners into "restraint chairs" for extended periods of time to enable them [...]


The conservative Italian government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has pushed through new legislation putting marijuana (cannabis) on par with cocaine and heroine and ending the legal distinction between 'soft' and 'hard' drugs, effectively recriminalizing marijuana use in the country. The law, approved in the Italian Parliament in a confidence vote, provides for strict sanctions [...]


Statistics published this week show that almost 400 euthanasia cases were reported in Belgium in 2005, almost double the level when the Belgian parliament adopted controversial legislation authorizing the practice in 2002. Wim Distelmans, chairman of the Federal Evaluation and Control Commission responsible for receiving reports from doctors and for compiling annual statistics, says that [...]