JURIST Guest Columnist William Banks of Syracuse University College of Law says that even if legal authority is found for the NSA domestic surveillance program, such spying still violates the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution protecting Americans against unreasonable search and seizure… The political minuet being performed in recent weeks between angry members of [...]


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Brian Concannon Jr., Director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, says that Haitian President-elect Rene Preval faces a daunting if familiar series of legal obstacles involving parliament, the judiciary and the police as he attempts to move forward with economic and social reforms following his latest election victory… [...]


Majority Republicans on the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence agreed Tuesday to establish a new seven-member subcommittee to oversee surveillance methods utilized by President George W. Bush's domestic spying program , but passed up a proposed full-scale investigation of National Security Agency eavesdropping on US citizens. Democrats on the Committee opposed the oversight plan [...]


UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan questioned the legality of the "arbitrary detention" of thousands of Iraqis by Coalition and Iraqi forces in his latest periodic report to the UN Security Council on the situation in Iraq released Tuesday. Annan suggested that although international law allows for internment in situations requiring 'imperative reasons of security', actions by [...]