The Democratic Republic of Congo officially adopted a new constitution on Saturday when President Joseph Kabila signed into law the charter that voters approved in a referendum late last year. The Constitution is designed to bring peace to the country after five years of war, and provides for national elections to be held by June [...]


Google, Inc. formally rejected a subpoena from the US Department of Justice for search data on Friday, arguing that the subpoena violated the privacy of Google customers and its own trade secrets. Google also asserted that the government’s demand to disclose Google’s web searches was impractical, as the searches change on a daily basis and [...]


US Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) said Friday that he would not allow any further floor debate on the controversial asbestos compensation bill unless 60 senators pledged their support for the legislation in order to head off a possible filibuster. On Tuesday Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) raised an objection to the proposed law, arguing [...]


The Russian Prosecutor General's Office announced Friday that it has begun an investigation of newspaper editor Anna Smirnova whose newspaper Nash Region reprinted controversial caricatures of Muhammad this week as the first Russian media outlet to do so. Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced the publications of the cartoons that have sparked protest worldwide since their [...]


In comments after a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations Friday, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld flatly rejected the United Nation's call for the US to shut down its military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay , asserting that the facility currently holds several hundred terrorists who would pose a substantial security risk to [...]