The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has sent a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) seeking to dissuade the committee from calling former Attorney General John Ashcroft and Deputy Attorney General James Comey to testify before the panel, saying their testimony would provide no new information on the NSA warrantless surveillance program. The [...]


Jordan Paust : "Vice President Cheney has stated that he has the "power" to declassify classified material, but did he exercise that power before granting others the power to leak classified information? Richard Nixon learned that the power to terminate an Executive regulation or order is not the same as the right to violate a [...]


US District Judge Henry Kennedy on Thursday ordered the US Department of Justice to respond to a FOIA request filed by the Electronic Information Privacy Center (EPIC) and produce documents related to the Bush administration's domestic surveillance program . Among the documents lawyers for EPIC requested were the guidelines used by government officials to decide [...]


US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales repeatedly stressed his personal and institutional commitment to the protection of civil rights in a speech to Justice Department staff Wednesday setting out the Department's priorities for the coming year. First on his formal list was the fight against terrorism, followed by initiatives on violent crime, drug trafficking, cyber crime, [...]