As anticipated , Thomas Lubanga , founder of the militant Union of Patriotic Congolese , appeared in the International Criminal Court at The Hague Monday, accused of using child soldiers in the violence-plagued Ituri district . In court the defendant confirmed his identity and heard his rights before he refused to hear the charges against [...]


Leading Monday's international brief, an Afghani man is on trial for criminal charges punishable by death related to his conversion from Islam to Christianity over 16 years ago while working for a Christian aid organization in Pakistan. Abdul Rahman has been charged with converting to a "false religion" under Afghanistan's criminal law, which incorporates Islamic [...]


Libyan leader Colonel Muhamar Gaddafi has declared that Saddam Hussein remains the legal leader of Iraq, citing the US-led invasion of the country as "a war waged against the wishes of the United Nations." In an interview with an Italian television news program, Gaddafi, who having gained power in 1969 is the Arab world's longest [...]


International election observers said Monday that this weekend's elections in Belarus , which secured a third term for Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko , were "severely flawed" and failed to meet democratic standards. Lukashenko, whom the Bush administration has referred to as "the last dictator in Europe" was credited with 82.6 percent of the vote, citing [...]


The sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui will resume on Monday after being stayed last week to allow for investigation of misconduct by Transportation Security Administration lawyer Carla Martin. Defense attorneys are set to cross-examine FBI Agent Harry Samit, who has testified that Moussaoui's lies after his August 2001 arrest prevented the government from taking steps [...]


Philippine Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz said Monday that the country's military would not go on a "witch hunt" as it investigates the involvement of army soldiers in last month's failed coup attempt against Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo . Cruz did indicate, however, that it was necessary for the army to cleanse its forces of violators [...]