Recent US-led inspections of Iraqi-run prisons in Baghdad and Tal Afar have revealed signs of prisoner abuse and overcrowding, a US military official said Friday. Maj. Gen. William Webster, who commands security forces in Baghdad, confirmed there is a problem of overcrowding, but denied the existence of any evidence of recent abuse in the facilities: [...]


Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko on Friday spoke out against pending constitutional changes that will lead, in his opinion, to an "unbalanced and ineffective government", and suggested a national referendum to decide the matter. The changes to the country's constitution , scheduled to take effect on January 1, will strip Yushchenko's power to nominate a prime [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on Thursday upheld the dismissal of a suit alleging religious discrimination against General Motors (GM) . Writing for the court, Judge Ann Claire Williams supported the decision to dismiss the lawsuit because the corporation's Affinity Group diversity program treated all religions equally by prohibiting the promotion [...]


Chile's Santiago Court of Appeals voted 21-3 Friday to strip Augusto Pinochet of political immunity in respect of a fraud charge against the 90-year-old former dictator, who was fingerprinted and photographed by Chilean police on Wednesday in connection with a human rights proceeding for which his immunity had likewise been lifted. The fraud charge stems [...]


Defying a gag order by the UK Foreign Office , former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig S. Murray has posted two documents to his weblog suggesting that despite government denials, the British government knowingly received intelligence information obtained by torture. The first document is a collection of telegrams sent from Murray between 2002 and 2004 [...]


AP is reporting that the US Department of Justice has begun an investigation into the leak of classified information about President Bush's secret domestic surveillance program first disclosed in a New York Times article earlier this month. 10:53 AM ET – Justice Department officials revealed the existence of the probe on condition of anonymity, given [...]