Thousands of women marched in Milan Saturday, demanding that Italy keep a 1978 law that legalized abortion during the first three months of pregnancy. Police estimated that 50,000 people joined in the march to keep abortion legal, a topic that has not seen so much political action in Italy since a 1981 referendum supporting the [...]


President George W. Bush praised US Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito as a “man of character and intelligence” during his Saturday radio address , saying the United States would be fortunate to have him on the bench. Focusing on Alito’s qualifications, Bush stressed his nominee's integrity and reiterated that he would not use his personal [...]


The Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) will wait for international monitors to finish their investigation of fraud complaints before it releases the results of the December 15 Iraqi parliamentary election . The International Mission for Iraqi Elections which began its investigation in the beginning of January is not expected to have a final report [...]


The Tashkent City Court in Uzbekistan has ordered Washington DC-based pro-democracy group Freedom House to suspend its activities there for the next six months. The government alleges that the group, funded by US government and private sources, has provided public Internet access without a license and committed other violations of Uzbek laws, including administrative irregularities. [...]