The Federal Election Commission (FEC) Friday proposed new rules that would require federal political candidates to pay for internet advertisements out of funds regulated by federal campaign laws, but would otherwise leave most online political activity free from government regulation. Recently, a federal appeals court ordered the six-member FEC to create regulations that extend campaign [...]


The Supreme Court of Nepal has upheld an ordinance issued by King Gyanendra that permits detention of suspected terrorists without charge or trial for up to a year. A 2-1 majority of a three-judge panel ruled Thursday that preventative detention provisions were permissible and constitutional under the umbrella of national security interests. Gyanendra's Terrorist and [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) responded Friday to Democratic questions and Republican questions from members of the House Judiciary Committee regarding the Bush administration's domestic surveillance program, maintaining that National Security Agency (NSA) warrantless wiretapping of suspected terrorists is legal and satisfies the requirements of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act . The DOJ responses [...]


Riot police and demonstrators clashed Saturday in the Belarus capital city of Minsk as thousands of citizens gathered again to protest alleged election fraud in last Sunday's presidential elections in which current President Alexander Lukashenko was reelected. Opposition politician Aleksander Kozulin was reportedly beaten and detained by police as he was leading the march, although [...]


The Nigerian government said Saturday that it would allow the transfer of ex-Liberia president and fugitive war crimes indictee Charles Taylor to Liberian authorities. According to a statement: "President Olusegun Obasanjo has today, 25 March, informed President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf that the government of Liberia is free to take former President Charles Taylor into its custody." [...]


US District Judge Leonie Brinkema issued an order late Friday quashing a subpoena that had been issued for Transportation Security Administration lawyer Carla Martin in the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui . Brinkema did not specify why she canceled Martin's court appearance that was scheduled for Monday, though Martin's lawyers had reportedly sought to block [...]


US Chief Justice John Roberts has appointed US District Judge and former Whitewater prosecutor John D. Bates to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to replace US District Judge James Robertson , who resigned last December, purportedly in protest over the controversial warrantless domestic eavesdropping program promulgated by the Bush administration. Roberts secretly chose Bates [...]